标签 : notes

14 篇文章

In the lastest nodejs version the Buffer() constructor has been deprecated DEP0005: Buffer() constructor# Type: Runtime (supports –pending-deprecation) The Buffer() function a...
Install Nginx On Ubuntu 16.04
【原文】How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 16.04install nginxNginx is available in Ubuntu’s default repositories, so the installation is rather straight forward. 12sudo apt-get update...
【转】Ubuntu 16.04安装配置Nginx使用Let's Encrypt
【原文】Ubuntu 16.04安装配置Nginx使用Let’s EncryptLet’s Encrypt是新的认证授权(CA)方式,使用它可以获得免费的TLS/SSL证书-使用HTTPS加密web server。Let’s Encrypt依然在测试阶段,目前,它只支持在Apache web服务器上实现自动安装。但是,Let’s Encr...